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Who Makes You Feel

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Who Makes You Feel Empty Who Makes You Feel

Mensaje  HonestlyOK Vie Mar 20, 2009 5:40 pm

Who Makes You Feel

I don't touch you the way I used to
And I don't call and write when I'm away
We don't make love as often as we did do
What couldn't wait now waits and usually goes away
But listen and think when I say, oh but listen and think when I say

Who makes you feel the way that I make you feel
Who loves you and knows you the way I do
Who touches you and holds you quite like I do
Who makes you feel like I make you feel?

I don't mind if you come home late
And I don't ever ask you where you've been
I just assume if there's a problem, you'd tell me
But listen and think when I say, oh but listen and think when I say

Who makes you feel the way that I make you feel
Who loves you and knows you the way I do
Who touches you and holds you quite like I do
Who makes you feel like I make you feel?

Who makes you feel like I make you feel?
Who makes you feel like I make you feel?

Being weak, when I am strong
Being seen, for who you are
Being sad and lost but not alone
But listen and think when I say, oh but listen and think when I say

Who makes you feel the way that I make you feel
Who loves you and knows you the way I do
Who touches you and holds you quite like I do
Who makes you feel like I make you feel?

Who makes you feel like I make you feel?
Who makes you feel like I make you feel?
Who makes you feel like I make you feel?

Cantidad de envíos : 218
Edad : 36
Localización : Capital Federal/Argentina
Fecha de inscripción : 04/04/2008

http://www.fotolog.com/dido_flog * http://frustratedtears.blogsp

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